Appetizer Idea: Sumo Wrestling

Much of this class is based on readings from the Western literary tradition, meaning they are pretty much all really old and European. For my appetizer presentation, I want to bring something different to the class. 

My current plan is to discuss sumo wrestling, which was also the topic of my post on the second reading diary. When I posted it, there was some discussion about how sumo wrestling can be interpreted using fat studies, and the clash of celebrating these fat athletes and the stigma around being fat outside of sumo wrestling.  I would like to explore these topics more.

Along with this, when you watch sumo wrestling you may be struck by the composure of the athletes and the calmness of the audience. If we feel that sumo wrestling is at all Carnivalesque or Grotesque, I would like to explore if these can exist without large, rambunctious  groups of people. 

Here is a link to some highlights of one of the wrestlers, Enho.

Please let me know over the next few days if you have any comments or ideas for this discussion.


2 thoughts on “Appetizer Idea: Sumo Wrestling

  1. This is so exciting! I would love to have you explain a little bit about the rules/rituals/ideals of the ring, since I don’t know what is normal/expected, or what’s extraordinary. I think I remember you saying slapping bellies is normal in your diary post, but is it aggressive, pumping each other up, showing off, etc? Things like that would be helpful for context since I have had almost no contact with the sport.

  2. I agree with Hannah that some cultural background would be helpful! I’m also particularly interested in the composure you’ve pointed out– we’ve been wrestling (get it) with just how raucous the carnivalesque is/needs to be, and I think having an example of something grotesque and quiet could be a really interesting touchstone (if in fact sumo wrestling is grotesque and quiet– I don’t know enough to say with confidence).

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