Appetizer Idea: The Grotesque and the Carnivalesque in Surrealist Film

For my presentation on Thursday, I plan to explore the Grotesque and the Carnivalesque in Surrealist film. I was inspired by the Fellini Satyricon film, which to me displayed a lot of examples of Surrealism, such as the sound not lining up and the plot being very scattered. I want to show a brief clip of a Surrealist film, most likely “Un Chien Andalou” by Luis Buñuel, and then explain a little bit about what Surrealism is. After watching the clip, I want to consider the questions:

  1. What aspects of the Grotesque or the Carnivalesque did you identify in “Un Chien Andalou?”
  2. Considering that Surrealism emulates the subconscious mind, why might the Grotesque and the Carnivalesque be so common in Surrealism?
  3. Do you think that Fellini’s Satyricon is Surrealist or not? How do the Surrealist aspects of the film influence its Carnivalesque/Grotesque nature?

I’ll give the class a few minutes to write about these questions, and then we can discuss as a group. I hope that this discussion can help us to understand Fellini’s film better, as well as some of the subconscious reasons why we might identify with the Carnivalesque and the Grotesque. I think that this presentation may be influenced by what we discuss in class on Tuesday as well, so it is subject to change!

2 thoughts on “Appetizer Idea: The Grotesque and the Carnivalesque in Surrealist Film

  1. I love that you’re showing another film to us in class! I might want to hear your explanation for what Surrealism is before watching the clip, not after, just so I know what to look for. Can’t wait!

  2. I’m excited for this presentation! I’m currently in a theater class where we are creating our own surrealist/dada-ist acts, and I’m curious to see the clip. I also think that this is a really timely topic for me because a lot of conversation in theater surrounds how the grotesque is portrayed through the body and stage.

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