Appetizer Reflection: East Asian Art and the Grotesque + Carnivalesque

I’m really happy with how my presentation went. I had a lot of fun sharing with the class some of the art I grew up learning about, and I thought that everyone was engaged with the material and seemed interested in the paintings. I wanted to bring in material from a different culture because I thought it would be interesting to see what connections could be drawn to show evidence of the grotesque.

I was also so excited that multiple (individually and during the group discussion) people brought up the movement, sounds, and environment of the painting. The painting is remembered for being an early remnant of how everyday life in the Song Dynasty may have looked, smelled, and felt like.

I think for my next presentation I want to source from a different piece of contemporary material+media. I like having some type of media that everyone can engage with, and I hope that everyone does too. I do wish I had spent some more time on the second painting so that we could compare the two, however I am happy with what we accomplished in 10 minutes 🙂

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