Appetizer Reflection

Before presenting my appetizer, I was incredibly nervous and quite frankly terrified. Obviously speaking in class any day of the week can seem like a daunting task, but the fact that I knew everyone pretty much had to listen to me talk about something I found interesting was quite nerve wracking. Looking back, my anxiety was pretty unnecessary considering my comfort level with everyone in the class—but then again maybe a little fear inspired a better quality of work.

I really enjoyed being able to hear everyone’s perspectives on a reading that I’ve looked at three separate times now through very different lenses. Being able to incorporate the different types of literature I actually enjoy reading into the concepts we learned in class definitely helped me grasp some of the more abstract concepts and ideas that are maybe less accessible in the texts we read in class. I loved our discourse on the humanness of the gods and the different manifestations of the grotesque in mythology, and I hope you all did as well!

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