Reflection Post: Sumo and the Carnivalesque

I am pretty happy with how my presentation went. I was worried people would not talk much or be active in the conversation but it went pretty well. I was really excited about this presentation since sumo is something that interests me and I ended up learning much more and looking at it in a new light. 

I though the conversation was interesting and I’m glad people had at least slightly varying opinions on if sumo is carnivalesque. I was worried everyone would have exactly the same opinion and it would be uninteresting but I didn’t feel it was. I would be interesting to see if anyones opinions have changed or if anyone has anything else to add, so if so please let me know!

I also enjoyed being able to show videos. I didn’t see if people were enjoying them but I definitely was. Overall, I would highly recommend people present on something that really excited them if possible because it made it way more enjoyable. 

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