How to post to the course website

Over the course of the semester, you’ll have several opportunities to post to the course website. The most important will be posting before and after your “Appetizer” presentations, but you may want to post to the site as a form of out-of-class contribution or for other reasons as well..

When writing longer posts, I would recommend composing them first in Word; you don’t want to accidentally get logged out and lose your progress. When you’re ready to post something to the site, click here to go to the login screen. Once you’re logged in, hover your mouse over “+ New” in the upper left of the screen, and click on “Post.”

This will take you to the post editor. You should give your post a title that indicates what the post is about (like “Appetizer Idea: Hairspray and the Grotesque”). Paste the text you’ve written as the body of your post; you can create different “Blocks” to add images, link to videos, etc. Please do not post large pieces of media to the site; link to videos or audio on other platforms instead (including your free, unlimited Box folder; ask me if you don’t know how to use this!). The interface we’re using is called “WordPress” – if you can’t figure out how to do something with your post you’d like to do, you’ll find quick answers by googling WordPress and a description of what you want to do.

When you’ve finished your post, make sure you don’t have a specific block selected, and then look over at the menu on the right. You’ll see an option for “Categories.” Deselect “Uncategorized” and select “Appetizer” if you’re posting an appetizer idea or reflection, “Diary” if you’re posting a new prompt for the reading diary.

When your post is ready, you can click the blue “Publish” button in the upper right. It’ll ask if you’re sure; once you confirm, your post will appear on the website! You can always click on your post and then edit it if something doesn’t look right.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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