New Portfolio

Originally, I had planned to have everyone spend their finals period assembling a portfolio of the work they’d done in this class and composing some reflective essays around it. In light of the present circumstances, I’ve decided to scale this down to a short reflection, which you’ll post to the course webpage. I’ve also posted new instructions for the final project, which you can find here.


  • Look back over the work you’ve done this semester: consider your Appetizer work, your contributions in class and on the Reading Diary, your final project, and the readings you’ve done.
  • Write a 300-400 word reflection considering some of the questions listed below.
  • Post your reflection to the course webpage before noon on May 15th

Reflection Questions

  • What have you learned in this course that you’ll take with you into future academic work or your own life?
  • What questions has this course caused you to ask that you might not have asked before?
  • What readings from the course will stick with you in the future?
  • What did you learn by doing your own Appetizer presentations and posts? What did you learn from other people’s Appetizers?
  • What surprised, disturbed, delighted, or disgusted you over the course of your readings this semester? What made you laugh? What other reactions were provoked?
  • What meaning did the texts and ideas of this course take on for you during the pandemic crisis that came to dominate the second half of our semester? Were Bakhtin, Rabelais, and the rest a welcome distraction? Did their ideas help you understand, contextualize, or reflect on your own circumstances?

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