Posting Your Final Project

Your Final Project post is due Tuesday 4/28 by 5pm. You can find full instructions here. Here are some additional guidelines for posting:

  • Post your final project as a new post, as if you were starting an Appetizer discussion. If you haven’t done that in a while, you can find instructions here.
  • Put your post in the “Final Projects” category. When you’re in the post editor, make sure you don’t have any specific blocks selected, and you’ll see “Category” as an option over on the right. Uncheck “Uncategorized” and check “Final Projects.”
  • Your post can be in any form you like: text, video, audio, etc. If you are posting a video, please upload it somewhere else (youtube, vimeo, etc.) and link to your video.
  • Try to make your post as polished as possible, but the important thing will simply be to post something by Tuesday at 5pm. If it’s a rough draft, unfinished, needs further work, etc., that’s fine; just mention that in your post.
  • Even if it’s fully finished and polished, it can still be informal: this is not a formal academic paper anymore, but simply a reflection, a chance to share your thoughts in a conversational or creative way.
  • If you’re doing the Creative option, try to post at least the creative portion itself by Tuesday, but don’t worry if you don’t have the reflection portion ready in time, you can add that during the week.
  • Finally, check the schedule to see which group of final projects you’ve been placed in; before class on Thursday, take a look at your group members’ projects, and add at least one comment.

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