Audrey’s Final Reflection

It’s still a bit mind-boggling that I can read and understand ancient texts in their original language. Coming to college, I wasn’t initially planning on taking Ancient Greek, but now I can’t imagine not following it through until I graduate. It was also just so much fun to read these interesting texts in a small,… Continue reading Audrey’s Final Reflection

Maps and Math

There are many points in Lucian’s True History where he mentions an absurd distance or an inconceivable number of creatures. For my final ergon, I calculated and mapped out a variety of the strange beasts in this story. Starting with his journey to the moon, one of the measurements that fascinated me the most was… Continue reading Maps and Math

DnD One-Shot

Earlier in the semester, Frank suggested that we should play Dungeons and Dragons as a class. My last DnD campaign fizzled out in early 2021 when my friends and I got too busy, so I’ve been itching to play for quite a while. After learning that we could write about our session as an ergon,… Continue reading DnD One-Shot

Categorized as Erga

Classics Movie Screenings

Despite having no knowledge of Latin beyond the ability to say “in via curro” and “psittacus vinum bibit” (two things I learned from the Duolingo Latin course in 2020), I have been attending (and enjoying) the film screenings for Professor Warwick’s Ovid seminar. The first of these was Videodrome, directed by David Cronenberg, which is… Continue reading Classics Movie Screenings

Categorized as Erga

Audrey’s Literary Analysis: Lucian’s “Praise of the Fly”

Maggots are creatures born in death. They evolve around decay to later breed upon rot; multiplying by the hundreds in the most decrepit of places. Yet beauty can always be found in the macabre. In his work Μυίας Ἐγκώμιον, Lucian eloquently makes a case for the neutrality and beauty of the most common household pest:… Continue reading Audrey’s Literary Analysis: Lucian’s “Praise of the Fly”

Categorized as Erga