Frank’s Final Reflection

This was a very valuable experience, and honestly, one that I will brag about for a while. Reading and hearing these texts in their original language was so interesting, and I’m really glad it could be in a small class setting. I’ve always liked small class sizes, and this group was great to work with.… Continue reading Frank’s Final Reflection

Linocut Print – Francis

For my final Ergon I wanted to tie in another one of my favorite classes this semester. Over the last two quarters I have taken printmaking: monotype and printmaking: relief. I enjoyed both, but I think that relief printmaking will stick as a hobby. I had an extra linocut pad left over after finishing my… Continue reading Linocut Print – Francis

Categorized as Erga

A Study in Marble – Frank

After presenting my apodeixis, I was very interested in other ways to incorporate DnD into my classical studies. I first had the idea to play a greek d&d one shot last year, while brainstorming for Professor Farmer’s classical mythology class, but decided that it wouldn’t fit the prompt of the assignment. I was very excited… Continue reading A Study in Marble – Frank

Categorized as Erga