Ellie’s Final Reflection

I would begin by saying that I really enjoyed this course and I think it was a nice next step after having gone through the two introductory Greek semesters. One theme that I found sticking out after having read both Lucian and Herodotus in this condensed period of time was, unsurprisingly, the truth. I was… Continue reading Ellie’s Final Reflection

Research, Reflect, Connect – Ellie

I was spurred by Simone’s apodeixis presentation to look further into whether Lucian’s True History could be considered sci-fi by the modern standard. When searching for articles that explored this question, I found a paper by Jennifer A. Rea titled “From Plato to Philip K. Dick: Teaching Classics Through Science Fiction,” containing an abstract syllabus… Continue reading Research, Reflect, Connect – Ellie

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Lucian’s “A Feast of Lapithae” – Ellie

(Reading for Context) I read a translation of Lucian’s A Feast of Lapithae, his spoof version of the famous Attic Greek text The Symposium by Plato. Lucian must have been well-read in the written Greek tradition, and shows both his knowledge and capacity for critique of such works. He composed this parody of The Symposium… Continue reading Lucian’s “A Feast of Lapithae” – Ellie

Penn Museum Trip Write-up – Ellie

I attended the Penn Museum with the Classics Department, and this is my elaboration on some of the prompts given on a worksheet for students. Greek vase depicting feminine figures: One of the first objects I saw upon entering the Greek Vase room at the Penn Museum was an Attic black-figure amphora with decoration of… Continue reading Penn Museum Trip Write-up – Ellie

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Cutting-Edge Classics Ergon – Ellie

Dr. Robin Osborne of King’s College began his lecture with an excerpt from James Whitley which discusses the burial practices of different ancient cultures through the years. He explains that though this passage can seem merely descriptive, it has embedded in it mountains of assumptions on which archaeologists and historians alike have been operating for… Continue reading Cutting-Edge Classics Ergon – Ellie

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