Final Reflection

At the end of the semester, you’ll compose a short reflection over the work you’ve done this semester.


  • Look back over the work you’ve done for this course: study your notes, slides, and feedback from your Apodeixis presentation, reread all of your Erga and their feedback, consider your contributions in class, and refresh your memory of the texts you’ve read.
  • Write a 400-600 word reflection considering some (NOT all) of the prompts listed below.
  • Post your reflection to the course webpage before 5:00pm eastern on Friday, December 22nd.
    • Set up your post just as you would an ergon post, but set the category to “Reflection” and the title as “{your name}’s Final Reflection.”

Reflection Prompts

  • What themes have most interested you in our work this semester? We’ve focused on topics like travel narratives, authorial voice, storytelling, genres of prose (including historiography, ethnography, and science fiction), humor, marginalization, truth. To put this question another way: what did you get out of reading Herodotus and Lucian together in Greek?
  • What did you learn by doing your own Apodeixis presentation? What did you learn from other people’s presentations?
  • Is there an Ergon assignment you’re particularly proud of? Was there a theme, intentional or unintentional, that ran through multiple Erga you completed this semester?
  • What have you learned in this course that you’ll take with you into future academic work or your own life? What readings from the course will stick with you in the future? What questions has this course caused you to ask that you might not have asked before?
  • What surprised, disturbed, delighted, or disgusted you over the course of your readings this semester? What made you laugh? What other reactions were provoked?