Tiger’s Final Reflection

In this semester, the theme that I’m interested in the most is the parody of Greek life in Lucien’s “True History.” In this science fiction novel, Lucien used his extensive knowledge of classical Greece to create a comedic story of the narrator’s voyage. In the vine scene, Lucien’s men are lured and consumed by the… Continue reading Tiger’s Final Reflection

Creative Adaptation #2 by Jie

I love the Adrastus story too much not to make a drawing of it. While conceptualizing, I intuitively associate it with the Judgment tarot card. The card is usually interpreted as facing the consequences of one’s actions, judged by an impartial, impersonal cosmic force that is almost like karma (as opposed to the human intellect… Continue reading Creative Adaptation #2 by Jie

Categorized as Erga

Research, Reflect, Connect – Celia

Nearing the end of Book I of the True Histories, Lucian and his men stumble upon Lychnopolis, the City of Lamps, in which animated household lamps congregate in an orderly society. In the article Lucian’s Lynchnopolis and the Problems of Slave Surveillance, Sonia Sabnis argues that the lamps of Lynchopolis symbolize household slaves. Further, she… Continue reading Research, Reflect, Connect – Celia

Curriculum Research and Reflection – Celia

In response to the Curriculum Research and Reflection prompt, I selected two articles from the Eidolon “Pedagogy” blog. The blog is an online platform for Classists from all backgrounds to reflect on their experiences, exchange advice, and revel in the era’s grandeur. For my research, I read EL Meszaro’s “One Giant Leap for Latin” and… Continue reading Curriculum Research and Reflection – Celia

DnD One Shot – Simone

For this ergon, I did a DnD one shot with Frank, Audrey, and Ana where we went on a quest on behalf of Lady Croesus to find her husband. When I first found out that the goal of the campaign was to find out what happened to Croesus, I had assumed that this story would… Continue reading DnD One Shot – Simone

Categorized as Erga

DnD One-Shot

Earlier in the semester, Frank suggested that we should play Dungeons and Dragons as a class. My last DnD campaign fizzled out in early 2021 when my friends and I got too busy, so I’ve been itching to play for quite a while. After learning that we could write about our session as an ergon,… Continue reading DnD One-Shot

Categorized as Erga

A Study in Marble – Frank

After presenting my apodeixis, I was very interested in other ways to incorporate DnD into my classical studies. I first had the idea to play a greek d&d one shot last year, while brainstorming for Professor Farmer’s classical mythology class, but decided that it wouldn’t fit the prompt of the assignment. I was very excited… Continue reading A Study in Marble – Frank

Categorized as Erga

D&D One-shot Anais Olivier

For this project Francis, Simone, Audrey, and I played a Dungeons & Dragons one-shot set in ancient Greece. The game also had mythological creatures pulled directly from ancient Greek myth, most notably was a gorgon. The setting was also obviously meant to emulate the popular idea of what ancient Greece was like. There were lots… Continue reading D&D One-shot Anais Olivier

Categorized as Erga

Cutting-Edge Classics – Jie

On Friday, I attended the colloquium on Seneca’s Stoic Seafood by Robert Santucci, and I really enjoyed his passionate introduction of seafood’s influence on virtues, especially red mullets and oysters. An interesting point raised during the Q&A session was a comparison between Seneca’s perspective and traditional Chinese medicine. Coincidentally, I just recently addressed my tooth… Continue reading Cutting-Edge Classics – Jie

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Research, Reflect, Connect – Ellie

I was spurred by Simone’s apodeixis presentation to look further into whether Lucian’s True History could be considered sci-fi by the modern standard. When searching for articles that explored this question, I found a paper by Jennifer A. Rea titled “From Plato to Philip K. Dick: Teaching Classics Through Science Fiction,” containing an abstract syllabus… Continue reading Research, Reflect, Connect – Ellie

Categorized as Erga