Lucian’s “A Feast of Lapithae” – Ellie

(Reading for Context) I read a translation of Lucian’s A Feast of Lapithae, his spoof version of the famous Attic Greek text The Symposium by Plato. Lucian must have been well-read in the written Greek tradition, and shows both his knowledge and capacity for critique of such works. He composed this parody of The Symposium… Continue reading Lucian’s “A Feast of Lapithae” – Ellie

Cutting Edge Classics Simone

Dr. Robin Osborne of King’s College delved into the ways in which history can be extrapolated from archaeology. Specifically, Dr. Osborne focused on the implications associated with the discovery of a mass grave of 79 supposedly male bodies that were chained and seemed to have all been executed by a blow to the head. This… Continue reading Cutting Edge Classics Simone

Cutting-Edge Classics Ergon – Ellie

Dr. Robin Osborne of King’s College began his lecture with an excerpt from James Whitley which discusses the burial practices of different ancient cultures through the years. He explains that though this passage can seem merely descriptive, it has embedded in it mountains of assumptions on which archaeologists and historians alike have been operating for… Continue reading Cutting-Edge Classics Ergon – Ellie

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