Fall Schedule

Week One: Returning to Greek

Monday, September 4

Labor Day: no class.

Before the start of the semester, remember to complete your Summer Greek! Select one of the journeys, read the suggested texts, and come into the semester refreshed and ready to resume our work.

Wednesday, September 6

Before the start of class today, please:

During class, we’ll reintroduce ourselves to one another, form our first study groups, and do some light sight reading.

Friday, September 8


Before the start of class today, please:

  • Sign up for our Cerego
  • Complete the course survey (if you haven’t already)
  • Pick a chapter from Ἑρμῆς Πάντα Κλέπτει
    • Read the text aloud
    • Try to get a sense of what’s going on: what words do you recognize? What sentences do you understand? Can you develop a summary or paraphrase of the chapter’s content?
    • Using the glossary at the back of the book, try to figure out the general meaning of any sentences you found particularly challenging
    • Read aloud again, this time trying to read with emphasis, inflection, and understanding as much as possible

During class today, we’ll get organized into our study groups and set up our study group agreements. Here are the groups for Chapters 12-14:

  • Group 1: Alexis, Zoey, Daniella, Anthony
  • Group 2: Drew, Kylie, Chaitan
  • Group 3: Grace, Olivia, Sid

Week Two: Chapter Twelve

Monday, September 11

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 12α:

In class we’ll work from this shared workspace (note that you can find all our workspaces under the Resources menu above)

Wednesday, September 13

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 12β:

Today’s shared workspace

Friday, September 15

Today we’ll a quiz covering chapter 12. It will last 10-15 minutes, and focus on 1-2 sentences from the chapter readings. Here are some suggestions for preparing:

  • This quiz will be based on the main chapter readings. Your best strategy for review will be to work with those texts, and ensure you understand what they mean, and why.
  • You will be expected to know vocabulary that appears in the chapter vocab lists. Working with Cerego is your best strategy for learning this vocab.
  • You will not be expected to know detailed information about vocabulary that appears in the notes below the reading, but you will be expected to understand broadly what is happening in the reading with or without those notes.
  • Studying together is much better than studying apart! Make a point of finding ways to connect with other students in the class to prepare together, especially during your Thursday study group meeting.
  • Finally, remember that quizzes in this course are diagnostic tools, not chances to fail. The default expectation is that whenever you take a quiz, you’ll have some mistakes to revise, and that by revising you earn full credit for the quiz.

Week Three: Chapter Thirteen

Starting this week, each Monday and Wednesday lesson will be accompanied by a video lecture. These are approximately 20 minutes long, and are designed to be viewed alongside reading and doing the homework. I strongly encourage you to build a time in your schedule to watch these lectures and use them to guide you through your contribution to your work’s homework.

Under the Resources tab above, you will also find links to the fullset of video lectures, including lectures on each chapter as well as audio versions of the vocab lists and the texts.

Monday, September 18

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 13α:

Today’s workspace

Wednesday, September 20

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 13β:

Today’s workspace

Friday, September 22

Before the start of class today, click here to complete the Contribution Survey for weeks 2-3.

Today’s workspace

Week Four: Chapter Fourteen

Monday, September 25

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 14α:

Wednesday, September 27

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 14β:

Today’s workspace

Friday, September 29

Today we’ll a quiz covering chapters 13 and 14. It will last 10-15 minutes, and focus on 1-2 sentences from the chapter readings. Here are some suggestions for preparing:

  • This quiz will be based on the main chapter readings. Your best strategy for review will be to work with those texts, and ensure you understand what they mean, and why.
  • You will be expected to know vocabulary that appears in the chapter vocab lists. Working with Cerego is your best strategy for learning this vocab.
  • You will not be expected to know detailed information about vocabulary that appears in the notes below the reading, but you will be expected to understand broadly what is happening in the reading with or without those notes.
  • Studying together is much better than studying apart! Make a point of finding ways to connect with other students in the class to prepare together, especially during your Thursday study group meeting.
  • Finally, remember that quizzes in this course are diagnostic tools, not chances to fail. The default expectation is that whenever you take a quiz, you’ll have some mistakes to revise, and that by revising you earn full credit for the quiz.

After the quiz, we’ll organize our new study groups and complete our group agreements. You can find the agreements in the homework folder here. The study groups for chapters 15-17 will be:

  • Group 1: Zoey, Chaitan, Grace
  • Group 2: Daniella, Drew, Sid
  • Group 3: Anthony, Kylie, Olivia, Alexis

Today’s workspace

Week Five: Chapter Fifteen

Monday, October 2

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 15α:

Today’s workspace

Wednesday, October 4

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 15β:

Friday, October 6

Remember to complete your quiz revisions and turn them in at the start of class.

Before the start of class today, click here to complete the Contribution Survey for weeks 4-5.

Today’s workspace

Week Six: Chapter Sixteen

Monday, October 9

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 16α:

Today’s workspace

Wednesday, October 11

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 16β:

Today’s workspace

Friday, October 13


After class on Wednesday, you’ll receive a take home quiz covering chapters 15 and 16. You’ll give yourself 10-15 minutes; the quiz will focus on 1-2 sentences from the chapter readings. Here are some suggestions for preparing:

  • This quiz will be based on the main chapter readings. Your best strategy for review will be to work with those texts, and ensure you understand what they mean, and why.
  • You will be expected to know vocabulary that appears in the chapter vocab lists. Working with Cerego is your best strategy for learning this vocab.
  • You will not be expected to know detailed information about vocabulary that appears in the notes below the reading, but you will be expected to understand broadly what is happening in the reading with or without those notes.
  • Studying together is much better than studying apart! Make a point of finding ways to connect with other students in the class to prepare together, especially during your Thursday study group meeting.
  • Finally, remember that quizzes in this course are diagnostic tools, not chances to fail. The default expectation is that whenever you take a quiz, you’ll have some mistakes to revise, and that by revising you earn full credit for the quiz.

Fall Break

No class October 16 – 20

Week Seven: Chapter Seventeen

Monday, October 23

You can download chapters 17-20 from Athenaze volume 2 here.

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 17α:

Today’s workspace

Wednesday, October 25

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 17β:

Today’s workspace

Friday, October 27

Remember to complete your quiz revisions and turn them in at the start of class.

Before the start of class today, click here to complete the Contribution Survey for weeks 6-7.

Today we’ll meet in our new study groups and complete our group agreements. You can find the agreements in the homework folder here. The study groups for chapters 18-20 will be:

  • Group 1: Chaitan, Daniella, Zoey
  • Group 2: Anthony, Grace, Kylie
  • Group 3: Alexis, Drew, Olivia, Sid

Today’s workspace

Week Eight: Chapter Eighteen

Monday, October 30

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 18α:

Tuesday, October 31st

Wednesday, November 1

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 18β:

Today’s workspace

Friday, November 3

Today we’ll a quiz covering chapters 17 and 18. It will last 10-15 minutes, and focus on 1-2 sentences from the chapter readings. Here are some suggestions for preparing:

  • This quiz will be based on the main chapter readings. Your best strategy for review will be to work with those texts, and ensure you understand what they mean, and why.
  • You will be expected to know vocabulary that appears in the chapter vocab lists. Working with Cerego is your best strategy for learning this vocab.
  • You will not be expected to know detailed information about vocabulary that appears in the notes below the reading, but you will be expected to understand broadly what is happening in the reading with or without those notes.
  • Studying together is much better than studying apart! Make a point of finding ways to connect with other students in the class to prepare together, especially during your Thursday study group meeting.
  • Finally, remember that quizzes in this course are diagnostic tools, not chances to fail. The default expectation is that whenever you take a quiz, you’ll have some mistakes to revise, and that by revising you earn full credit for the quiz.

Today’s workspace

Week Nine: Chapter Nineteen

Monday, November 6

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 19α:

Today’s workspace

Wednesday, November 8

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 19β:

Friday, November 10

NOTE: We will meet in Lutnick Library today to view the library’s collection of Greek Vases.

Remember to complete your quiz revisions and turn them in at the start of class.

Before the start of class today, click here to complete the Contribution Survey for weeks 8-9.

Week Ten: Chapter Twenty

Monday, November 13

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 20γ:

Today’s workspace

Wednesday, November 15

Before the start of class, prep Ath. 20δ:

Sadly the Classics Marathon had to be postponed to the spring semester, so we’ll have a regular day of class today in our usual location.

Today’s workspace

Friday, November 17

Today we’ll a quiz covering chapters 19 and 20.

Because we didn’t have a normal class on Wednesday, we’ll take some time before the quiz to answer any questions about Chapter 20.

The quiz will last 10-15 minutes, and focus on 1-2 sentences from the chapter readings. Here are some suggestions for preparing:

  • This quiz will be based on the main chapter readings. Your best strategy for review will be to work with those texts, and ensure you understand what they mean, and why.
  • You will be expected to know vocabulary that appears in the chapter vocab lists. Working with Cerego is your best strategy for learning this vocab.
  • You will not be expected to know detailed information about vocabulary that appears in the notes below the reading, but you will be expected to understand broadly what is happening in the reading with or without those notes.
  • Studying together is much better than studying apart! Make a point of finding ways to connect with other students in the class to prepare together, especially during your Thursday study group meeting.
  • Finally, remember that quizzes in this course are diagnostic tools, not chances to fail. The default expectation is that whenever you take a quiz, you’ll have some mistakes to revise, and that by revising you earn full credit for the quiz.

Today’s workspace

Week Eleven: Introduction to Lysias

Monday, November 20

Today we’ll orient ourselves to the text we’ll be reading for the rest of the semester: Lysias’ On the Murder of Eratosthenes (aka Lysias 1).

Here are the texts we’ll be relying on for the rest of the semester:

Before class, please read the introduction to the speech and sections 1-5 in English (pg. 17-22). Throughout the rest of the semester, your Cerego vocab lists will review the most common vocab in Lysias 1; please continue to keep up with your vocab learning!

Today’s workspace / slides

We’ll also form our final set of study groups, and complete the Lysias Study Group Agreement

  • Group 1: Chaitan, Grace, Drew
  • Group 2: Anthony, Sid, Daniella
  • Group 3: Olivia, Zoey, Kylie

Wednesday, November 22

Thanksgiving – no class

Friday, November 24

Thanksgiving – no class

Week Twelve

Monday, November 27

Before class, please reread Lysias 1.1-5 in English, and get fully caught up on your Lysias Cerego vocab.

Today’s workspace (Lysias 1.6-11)

Wednesday, November 29

Before class, complete your work on Lysias 1.6-11

Friday, December 1

NO CLASS MEETING TODAY. Consider using our class time to meet with your study group, and to get caught up on the reading and Cerego.

Quiz revisions will be due on Monday.

By the end of class time, complete your work on Lysias 1.12-17

Before class, please also complete the contribution survey for weeks 10-12.

Week Thirteen

Monday, December 4

If you have not done so already, please complete the week 10-12 contribution survey ASAP.

Before class, complete your work on Lysias 1.18-23

Have your quiz revisions to the Chapter 19-20 quiz ready to turn in today if you have not turned them in already.

Today’s workspace

Wednesday, December 6

Before class, complete your work on Lysias 1.24-29

Friday, December 8

Before class, complete your work on Lysias 1.30-35

After doing your homework, prepare for a quiz over Lysias 1.6-35:

  • Use your group’s homework document as your main source of review
  • Catch up on Cerego vocab lists
  • The quiz will focus only on passages we discussed in class.
  • You will have a choice of passages on this quiz.

Today’s Workspace

Week Fourteen

Monday, December 11

Before class, complete your work on Lysias 1.36-41

Today’s workspace

Wednesday, December 13

Before class, complete your work on Lysias 1.42-47

Today’s workspace

Friday, December 15

Before class, complete your work on Lysias 1.48-50

Before class, please also complete the contribution survey for weeks 13-14, and complete revisions to your Lysias quiz.

Today’s workspace

Course feedback form


Friday, December 22

Before noon (12:00pm) today, please submit your final reflection and complete the course feedback form.
