Final Reflection (Fall)

To complete your Greek work for this year, I’d like you to write a short (300-600 words) reflection essay. The essay is due to my email by noon (12:00pm) on Dec. 22nd.

First, reread your final reflection from the spring semester. If you don’t have ready access to it, let me know and I’ll send it to you!

Next, write an informal essay in which you consider some (not all) of the following questions:

  • How has your experience of learning Greek evolved since the end of the spring semester? Have you achieved the goals you set out for yourself? Furthered the interests you were developing in the spring? Grown more comfortable with particular aspects of the language?
  • What was your experience of reading Lysias like? Did you enjoy transitioning into a genuine ancient text, or did you find it challenging? Were there any particular aspects of Lysias’ speech that intrigued you?
  • Is this the end of the road for you with ancient Greek coursework?
    • If so, what are your hopes for the place of Greek in the rest of your life? Do you plan to keep taking Greek here? Will you try reading Greek on your own? Will it have a lasting effect on you, even if you don’t keep studying it?
    • If not, what are your hopes, goals, and concerns as you move into Intermediate Greek next spring?
  • If another student were considering taking Greek, what would you say to them, now that you’ve completed the elementary Greek sequence?

Here are some guidelines for your writing:

  • This is an informal piece of writing: it does not need to have citations or bibliography, and can be written in a human, conversational style, the way you would talk to someone asking you these questions.
  • This is, however, still a polished piece of writing: you should write a first draft, edit it, find mistakes, improve the style, make sure the flow of thought is clear, strive for a degree of eloquence and insight. It should be free of typos, clear, easy, and pleasant to read.
  • Please submit it as a word document or google doc, with ordinary spacing and margins.
  • It should be at least 400 words long, but no more than 600 words.
  • As always, if you have any questions, contact me.

The essay is due to my email by noon (12:00pm) on Dec. 22nd.
