
Weeks 1 & 2: Course Introduction

Monday, August 29th: Introduction

Before the start of class today, please:

Today’s Slides (including Community Standards notes)

Wednesday, August 31st: Athens in the Modern Imagination

Before the start of class today, please:

Today’s Slides

Wednesday, September 7th: Identity & History; Sources & Methods

Before the start of class today, please:

Today’s Slides

Part One: The Ancient Athenians

Week 3: Citizenship and Slavery

Monday, September 12th: Aristophanes’ Knights

Today’s Slides

Wednesday, September 14th: Aristophanes’ Knights

  • Finish reading Knights
    • Bring your text to class: if you have a device you can read it on (something larger than a phone), great!
    • If not, consider printing it out. To save paper, in the Adobe Reader print settings, use these settings:

Today’s Slides

Week 4: Gender & Sexuality

Monday, September 19th: Aristophanes’ Lysistrata

  • Read the Reading Guide for Aristophanes’ Lysistrata
  • Start reading Aristophanes’ Lysistrata
  • If you took pictures at the museum (of objects, classmates, or yourself!) and would like to share them with the class, we encourage you to post them to this jamboard!

Today’s Slides

Wednesday, September 21st: Aristophanes’ Lysistrata

Today’s Slides

Week 5: Athens on Trial I

Monday, September 26th: Plato’s Apology

Today’s Slides

Wednesday, September 28th: Plato’s Apology

Today’s Slides

Week 6: Athens on Trial II

Monday, October 3rd: Aristophanes’ Clouds

Today’s slides

Wednesday, October 5th: Aristophanes’ Clouds

Today’s slides

Fall Break: October 10th – 14th

Week 7: Reimagining Athens I

Monday, October 17th: Aristophanes’ Birds

Today’s slides

Wednesday, October 19th: Aristophanes’ Birds

Today’s slides

Week 8: Reimagining Athens II

Monday, October 24th: Plato’s Republic

Today’s slides

Wednesday, October 26th: Plato’s Republic

Today’s slides

Part Two: The Game

Week 9: Reacting to the Past

Monday, October 31st: Introduction to the Game

Today’s Slides

Wednesday, November 2nd: Public Speaking

Today, Prof. Nimisha Ladva (and a group of her students) will visit our class for a presentation on public speaking.

Today’s Slides

Professor Ladva’s Notes

Week 10: Factions and Reconciliation

Monday, November 7th: Faction Meetings

  • If you’re in a Faction, re-read your role sheet’s Faction Advisory carefully
  • If you’re not in a Faction, use your role sheet to determine which Factions might support your goals

Wednesday, November 9th: Reconciliation Agreement


Topic: Reconciliation Agreement

  • Should Athenians forget the “past wrongs” of the supporters of the Thirty?
  • Should Athenians be prohibited from filing lawsuits against the supporters of the Thirty?


Event: Classics Marathon!

  • TONIGHT (11/9), VCAM Lounge
  • 6:30-7:30: food and info session
  • 7:30-10ish: collaborative reading of Euripides’ Medea

Week 11: Citizenship

Monday, November 14th: Expanding Citizenship


Topic: Citizenship

  • Should metics and worthy slaves be admitted and allowed to vote in the Pnyx?
  • Should they be allowed to serve as jurors in the lawcourts?


Wednesday, November 16th: Pay for Civic Service


Primary Topic: Pay for Civic Service

  • Should Assemblymen and jurors be paid?

Secondary Topic: Foreign Relations

  • Should an embassy be sent to Persia?


Alice Hours

Join Alice in Lutnick 202 from 7-8pm this evening for help with schemes, plots, and conspiracies, as well as advice on getting into character and delivering effective speeches!

Week 12: The Courtroom

Monday, November 21st: Trials


  • Chief Archon: Kephisophon
  • Assistant Archons: Theozotides, Aristarchus, Antaeus, Gorgias

If you wish to request a trial, you must contact an archon from outside your faction. Trials against Socrates may be requested by contacting the Chief Archon, Kephisophon.

Tuesday, November 22nd: Alice Hours

Join Alice in Lutnick 202 from 7-8pm this evening for help with schemes, plots, and conspiracies, as well as advice on getting into character and delivering effective speeches!

Wednesday, November 23rd: No Class


Week 13: The Future of Democracy

Monday, November 28th: Oligarchy and Education


Primary Topic: Oligarchy

  • Should laws and major decisions be made by the Assembly, or by a governing council?
  • If the latter, how should the members of the council be chosen?

Secondary Topic: Education

  • Athens passed a law creating a public education system, as well as awarding citizenship to those who are educated. The Assembly welcomes laws that will establish the details of this new system.


Wednesday, November 30th: Restoration of the Empire


Topic: Remilitarization/Restoration of the Athenian Empire

  • Should Athens rebuild its fleet, recommence tribute collection, and reconstitute its empire?

Week 14: Conclusions

Monday, December 5th: Reflecting on the Game

Wednesday, December 7th: Final Conversation

Finals: December 12th – 16th

Friday, December 16th: Final Reflection