Discussion Forum: Week 2

This week we’ll hold our first online Discussion Forum. It’s an optional bonus week: if you participate, you’ll earn credit towards your final grade; but you’ll still have 12 more chances to earn the full credit you need for a 4.0 in the course. I’d like to focus our online conversation this week on community… Continue reading Discussion Forum: Week 2

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Family E Forum

Welcome to the opening discussion forum for Family E! Once you have set up your website profile, comment below to introduce yourself to your Family. Tell us a little about yourself, and your interest in Greek mythology. You might also share your hopes and ideas for how your Family can work together to support one another… Continue reading Family E Forum

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Family D Forum

Welcome to the opening discussion forum for Family D! Once you have set up your website profile, comment below to introduce yourself to your Family. Tell us a little about yourself, and your interest in Greek mythology. You might also share your hopes and ideas for how your Family can work together to support one another… Continue reading Family D Forum

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Family C Forum

Welcome to the opening discussion forum for Family C! Once you have set up your website profile, comment below to introduce yourself to your Family. Tell us a little about yourself, and your interest in Greek mythology. You might also share your hopes and ideas for how your Family can work together to support one another… Continue reading Family C Forum

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Family B Forum

Welcome to the opening discussion forum for Family B! Once you have set up your website profile, comment below to introduce yourself to your Family. Tell us a little about yourself, and your interest in Greek mythology. You might also share your hopes and ideas for how your Family can work together to support one another… Continue reading Family B Forum

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Family A Forum

Welcome to the opening discussion forum for Family A! Once you have set up your website profile, comment below to introduce yourself to your Family. Tell us a little about yourself, and your interest in Greek mythology. You might also share your hopes and ideas for how your Family can work together to support one… Continue reading Family A Forum

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Setting Up Your Profile

A fair amount of the work for this course will take place on our course webpage. To get started, you should have received an email inviting you to sign up for the website. This is a separate login from your normal campus login. If you haven’t received one, try using this link to reset your password (use… Continue reading Setting Up Your Profile

Welcome to Mythology

This is the course website for CSTS 209: Classical Mythology, for spring 2023, with Prof. Matthew Farmer. Explore the Syllabus and Schedule for the course, and get in touch with me if you have any questions!