Final Portfolio

To complete your work this semester, I’d like you to complete a Final Portfolio. This Portfolio is due at noon on May 6th (for seniors) or noon on May 12th (for non-seniors). By college policy, no extensions are allowed.


First, look back over the work you’ve produced this semester. Read your Reflection Projects, along with the feedback you received about them from your classmates. Read over the comments you have left in our discussion forums: an easy way to find them quickly is to go to your site dashboard, click “comments,” then search your own name.

Next, write a reflection of 450-600 words (1.5-2 double spaced pages) in which you create a narrative out of your accomplishments this semester. In composing your essay, you should try to answer some (though not all) of the following questions:

  • As you examine them together, do the erga you produced reveal a thread of particular interests you’ve focused on this semester? Did you develop a specialty in some particular aspect of the course, or did your work take you in unrelated directions?
  • How did the work you did in your reflection projects enrich your experience of the rest of the course? Did your additional research or creative work provide a deeper context for the topics we were considering?
  • How did your understanding of Greek Mythology evolve over the course of the semester? Can you trace any progress in your knowledge or interpretive powers? How would you have approached your work this semester differently if you knew all along what you know now?
  • What things did you learn or encounter this semester that surprised you? Offended you? Moved you? Inspired you? Did these emotional reactions show up in your reflection projects, or in other work you did?
  • What’s left to learn? What topics do you wish we had had time (or more time) to consider this semester? What subjects do you think you’d like to explore more on your own? What place will Greek myth have in your life going forward?
  • Can you observe themes or recurring topics that came up across your collected discussion forum posts?
  • Feel free to take your thoughts in other directions as well, as long as your reflection shows that you’ve thought deeply about what you’ve learned this semester.

You do not need to submit your individual reflection projects again as part of this portfolio – I have them already.


Please upload your Final Reflection to your family’s google drive folder here. The deadline is:

  • Seniors: 5pm on May 6th
  • Non-Seniors: 12pm (noon) on May 12th