Family A Forum

Welcome to the opening discussion forum for Family A! Once you have set up your website profile, comment below to introduce yourself to your Family. Tell us a little about yourself, and your interest in Greek mythology. You might also share your hopes and ideas for how your Family can work together to support one another this semester.

Finally, you need to settle on a Greek mythological figure to name your Family after. This can be a god, a hero, a monster, or anyone who shows up in the myths of the Greeks. You’ll have a few minutes in class next week to finalize your name, but this would be a good forum to start exchanging ideas! Once you settle on a name, your family will end up being known as the “Children of X” (so if you choose Heracles, for example, you’ll be the “Children of Heracles”).

You can find the contact info for other members of your family on the Family roster sheet here (note: only students enrolled in the course have access). Please do not share contact info through this forum! Instead, email your family members if you’d like to set up a way to communicate (such as a group chat) outside the public forum.


  1. Hi! My name is Orly. I’m a first-year and I’m from Brooklyn, NYC. I’m a potential religion major and I also love English and Creative Writing. I also really love thrift stores, knitting, and cooking. I don’t know much about Greek mythology yet, but I’m excited to learn a lot and get to know you guys better. I don’t have a lot of ideas in terms of what to name our family, but I think Medusa might be fun because I think her snake hair is pretty sick. But I’m open to anything.

  2. Hi everyone, my name is Jared and I am a senior from Brookline, Massachusetts. For our family name, I offer up Apollo, who was my favorite Greek figure in middle school.

  3. Hey! My name is Naomi, I’m a prospective religion major from San Diego. I play on the field hockey team, I love baking talking to my friends and family on the phone, and listening to music. I’m open to any family name, but my two favorite characters from Greek mythology are Artemis and Apollo.

  4. Hello! My name is Emily, and I use she/her pronouns! I am a freshman from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Right now, I am interested in psychology and sociology. I love reading and animals. I have two English mastiffs, which are huge dogs. My knowledge of Mythology is very basic, but I am looking forward to learning more. I don’t know what we should name our family, but the Children of Hades could be interesting.

  5. hey guys — I’m Leela, a junior Creative Writing/Classics independent major from Los Angeles. I’m directing one of the shows SPT is putting on this semester, and Greek mythology is essentially what I’m majoring in.
    For our family name, I vote Children of Medea. (because she is So special to me and also because *spoiler*, she kills her kids at the end, so I think it’d be kinda funny.)

  6. Hey everyone! My name is Natalie, and I’m a senior Psychology major from PA. I loved the Percy Jackson books as a kid, so I’m excited to take this class and reread The Lightning Thief! It’d be nice to have this group so we can make sure everyone’s clear on due dates and such. My favorite stories come from Persephone, Hades, and Athena.

  7. Hi my name is Ana, I’m a sophomore from New Jersey. I’m a Anthropology/Classics major and I’ve really loved mythology all my life. I like the idea of being children of Ares (he’s pretty funny) or Athena.

  8. Hi I am Izzy Muraca a first year! I am from Fredericksburg, VA and am a potential poly sci a major and looking at a classics minor. I have a dog named Mo, she’s a Bernadoodle. I loved Percy Jackson as a kid and dove into Greek mythology. This summer I am going to Rome and I know this this Greek mythology but since it still falls under classics I couldn’t be more excited. I am open to anything but I like the idea of Apollo since he had so many or any of the women!

  9. Hi! My name is Crista Calia and I’m a first year from Northern NJ! I love mythology/classics and I am currently taking Latin. I don’t have too many ideas for a family name but I think Orly’s idea of Medusa could be cool!

  10. Hey, my name is Avery, and I’m a first year! I’m from Northern Virginia. I’m interested in Greek mythology because I love myths and folklore in general. For our group namesake, I have to suggest Persephone since she was my favorite when I was younger.

  11. Hi everyone, my name is Vivian! I’m a junior Classics major from West Virginia. I’m on the swim team at BMC and have a cat named Tony, who is my profile picture.
    I like Leela’s suggestion of Children of Medea for our family name, and I would also suggest Children of Calliope, the muse of epic poetry, since we will be reading the Odyssey and selections from the Iliad.

  12. Hi everyone! I’m Alia, a freshman from Philadelphia! I’ve loved Greek mythology since the moment I watched Disney’s Hercules, and recently I’ve been learning about Norse mythology which is also really cool! All of the names mentioned sound really cool, but my two personal favorites are Persephone and Nyx.

  13. Hi everybody! I’m Olivia Loudon, I’m from Ohio, and I’m a Bryn Mawr Sophmore history major. I’m a huge fan of old movies, and Marlene Dietrich, and for our figure I was thinking the oracle of delphi, or Circe.

  14. Hi everyone, I’m Julia Curran! I am a senior from Bethesda, MD, I use she/her pronouns, and I am majoring in computer science. I am really excited about this class as I don’t have a lot of experience with studying mythology but find it really interesting. As for a family name, I would throw out Athena but am really good with anything!

  15. Hi, I’m caroline. I am from Chapel Hill, NC and I use she/her pronouns. I am planning on majoring in political science. I am really excited to talk about Percy Jackson in an academic setting, as growing up I was obsessed with the books and spent much of my own time analyzing them. I also like the idea of being children of Apollo, but I am honestly good with whatever

  16. Hey all! I’m Jessica (or Jess) and I’m a freshman from San Francisco. I use she/her pronouns, I’m a prospective English major, and I don’t have a whole lot of background with Greek mythology but I’m excited to learn! As for our family name, I’m open to anything, but I’m liking both the Medusa and Persephone ideas.

  17. Hi everyone my name is Lauren and I am a first year from Lower Merion, PA. I am a potential econ or comp sci major. I do not know a lot about Greek Mythology but am definitely excited to learn more in this class! For our family name I am fine with anything but like the suggestion of Athena.

  18. Hi I’m Daniel Rosman. I am a sophomore majoring in computer science and math and I’m from Long Island, New York. There are a lot of good suggestions for group names but my favorite has to be Children of Medea.

  19. Hello! I’m Logan, I use they/them pronouns, I’m a sophomore computer science major/visual studies minor from Delaware. I think mythology is fascinating in how it exists present day, and I am very excited to have an excuse to finally read Emily Wilson’s translation of the Odyssey (I’ve been meaning to get around to it for ages). I like the Medea and Calliope suggestions but I’d also like to introduce Hestia, goddess of the hearth, as an option.

  20. Hi everyone, I’m Jessica. I use she/her pronouns, a senior philosophy major. I am originally from Chengdu, China, but I went to high school in Lake Placid, New York (my second hometown). I had a few contacts with Greek Mythology in the past but not much. However, I am really exciting to learn more with you all in the upcoming semester. I’d offer us to be the children of Apollo.

  21. Hi everyone, I’m Nate. I use he/him/his pronouns and I am a senior biology major. I am from Abington, PA, just outside of Philadelphia. I loved reading about Greek Mythology when I was younger and am excited to learn more. I also like the children of Apollo or the Medusa idea, I really liked Apollo when I was younger.

  22. Hey my name is Clara and I am a freshman at Haverford. I use she/her pronouns and I’m from Ithaca, NY. I was the stereotypical Rick Riordan fanatic when I was younger and I love ancient history in general, so I’m really excited about this course. I like the vibe of being the “children of medusa”. Sounds badass.

  23. Hello everyone! My name is Tyree and I use they/them pronouns. I am a Bryn Mawr senior International Studies Major. I’m from Oakland, California (Just outside of San Francisco). I started my greek mythology journey as a Rick Riordan fan, but have had a fascination since. I think a group chat (groupme) would be the easiest and most efficent form of communication. I’m liking both the Medusa and Persephone ideas.

  24. Hi Everyone! I am Yoyo(she/her), a sophomore at Bryn Mawr. When I was young, I liked to watch cartoons of Greek mythology. I even brought a full set of Greek mythology comic books. I am open with any group name.

  25. Hi everyone, my name is Riley (He/Him) and I am a sophomore from McLean, Virginia. I used to read about mythology when I was younger, and I vividly remember the greek god island from Poptropica. I don’t really know what to name our family but since we are family “a” maybe we could go with Apollo.

  26. Hi! I’m Izzie (she/they). I’m a senior BMC geology major from outside of Boston, MA. I, like many others, became interested in Greek mythology when I read Percy Jackson as a kid. I agree with other group members’ suggestions for Apollo to go with the “A” group title.

  27. Hi! I’m Aidan York (he/him). I’m a geology major, as well as a classics minor! I guess my interest in mythology was first formed when I was little and I just read some of the origin stories since my mom got me a large book with them all, but that interest definitely became more developed taking Latin in middle/high school, since that offered more access to stories, particularly those relating to the Odyssey/the Trojan War. I’m excited to be a part of the Children of Medea!

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