Celine’s Research Questions

My preliminary thesis proposal here described my plans to examine the notions and practices of motherhood in Euripides’ Elektra to produce a recuperative reading of Elektra and Clytemnestra within the text. In doing so, I’ll put the tragedy in conversation with primarily Third-World/intersectional and both second/third-wave feminists.

Following this thesis idea, I have come up with the following research questions so far:

  1. What are the implications of Elektra’s pretense/acting of motherhood compared to Clytemnestra’s “real” status as a mother, especially given her status as simultaneously maiden and crone? Related: How are these three statuses available to women delineated throughout the play?
  2. What is the quality of the political power held by each of the women, especially contrasted with the political power of Orestes?
  3. Contemporary feminist theory asks us to look at the individuality of each identity and situation rather than make sweeping statements, yet putting them in communication with the past necessitates that I find common ground/a common thread. How do I approach this while keeping the principles of intersectional feminist theory?

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  1. Hey Celine! I’m really liking how your thesis sounds at this point. I think bringing in modern feminist theory for such a rich text is going to be really great, especially since it is clear you know the text really well. I think it is particularly interesting that you are looking at intersectionality within feminism when approaching your text as well, as I feel often feminist approaches to Classics doesn’t touch enough on this.

  2. This is going to be such an interesting thesis! I appreciate your concern about violating the tenets of intersectionality in attempting to do an intersectional reading of the ancient texts, but I also think that concern will do a lot to prevent you from actively transgressing against the identities of the characters. You’re being thoughtful.
    I wonder if you’ll narrow your theoretical framework as you work on the project. There are a lot of really valuable ideas in the fields you named, and very many authors who have important things to say. It will be interesting to see which of these are most useful or productive for you, and if you’ll notice any common threads between the theories you draw on.

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