To improve your grade beyond a 3.0, you’ll need to complete a set of the following optional Elevation Assignments. No one needs to complete all of these, but you’ll need to do four of them if you plan to earn a 4.0. See the Syllabus for full details. With Prof. Farmer’s permission (granted well in advance of the relevant deadline), you may also be able to substitute an Elevation Assignment for a Required Assignment that you do not feel is relevant or beneficial to your thesis.
Be sure to click through the links below to read an assignment’s complete instructions before beginning work.
Antiracist Classicism 1 and/or 2 (9/9, 9/16)
There are several options under this category, and you’ll have the chance to do up to two of them. Your options are:
- Produce a comprehensive bibliography of the work of a Black classical scholar. Consider submitting it to the Black-Centered Resources Bibliography.
- Compose a Wikipedia article about the career of a Black classical scholar. Consider submitting it to Wikipedia, or using it to improve an existing relevant Wikipedia article.
- Complete 2-3 of the optional readings during one day of our “Black Classicism” unit, and write a short reflection about these readings. If you have ideas for other readings that supplement our course discussion, you may propose these instead.
Just Classics Manifesto (9/23)
Compose a manifesto in which you outline your vision for a just future in our discipline.
Writing Into Your Thesis Revision 1, or 2 (10/21, 11/11)
Each time you submit a “Writing Into Your Thesis” assignment, you’ll have a chance to make substantial revisions incoporating the feedback of you’ve received; then compose a short description of your revision process.
Writing Into Your Thesis 3 (12/16)
Complete a third Writing Into Your Thesis essay and submit it alongside your portfolio.
Categorized Bibliography Deep Dive (11/4)
Pick another seminar member’s “Categorized Bibliography.” Read two items from it, and write them a short summary and evaluation of the articles.
Personal Elevation (substitute for one of the above deadlines)
Propose an alternative Elevation Assignment of your own design. It should take the place of an existing Elevation due date. You’ll need to get Prof. Farmer’s permission well in advance to receive credit for an alternative assignment.