Writing Into Your Thesis III


The instructions for this assignment are the same as they were for “Writing Into Your Thesis I / II.” Focus on a different section or topic from your thesis, building on the other assignments you’ve done in the meantime to make further progress with your work here.


The content-based purpose of this assignment is to articulate an interesting aspect of your thesis topic through the medium of a short essay. The skills-based purpose of this assignment are: 1) to develop your ability to write in accordance with the standards of the Classics discipline; (2) practice your ability to outline a complex argument supported by evidence; and (3) to use proper citation style for different types of resources.


You will compose a 1200-1500 word (4 to 5 double-spaced pages) essay on an aspect of your thesis topic. The exact topic of this essay is entirely up to you: think of it as a small section of your future thesis. I recommend consulting with your Advisor when developing your topic.

This essay must include some work with primary sources and may—but need not—engage secondary literature. As you develop your idea into an argument supported by evidence, you should create an outline of your essay.

Suggestions for effective outlining are available on via the Haverford Writing Center.


  • Identify a worthy topic related to your thesis topic for your essay; move from consideration of topic through question formation to problem identification to solution articulation
  • Outline or Storyboard how you will use argument (and evidence) to support your solution to the essay’s research problem
  • Craft a 1200-1500 word paper on an aspect of your thesis
    • Your essay must directly engage with primary sources (properly cited).
    • Your essay should include at least one footnote that qualifies, expands, or contextualizes a point made in the body
  • Email your assignment to Prof. Farmer before class on December 1st. If you would like to participate in exchanging feedback as an elevation assignment, please notify me.