Hannah’s Thesis: The Gods and their impact on human conduct?

Although I have a general idea of what I would like to focus my thesis on, I definitely am still unsure about the literature and authors I would like to highlight. In addition to Classics, I am concentrating in Gender and Sexuality Studies and will be using this specialization to narrow down my focus. I have always been interested in the study of gender and sexuality within Classics, and therefore know that I would like to continue to analyze their interaction. More specifically, I think I want to look at the relationship between how immortal figures are portrayed in mythological texts and their connection to the contemporary expectations of how mortals were expected to conduct themselves (especially regarding sexuality and romantic expression). I have always wondered how gods as the extremes of human nature and morality (or in some cases the lack thereof–aka Zeus) influenced the behavior of Ancient Greeks and the evolution of societal norms and expectations.

Because I am still in the process of choosing what exactly I would like to write about, it has been a challenge to start thinking about the evidence I will need to support my arguments. I have a few ideas that are relatively scattered across different pieces of literature, so I know a good first step will be figuring out which pieces are most relevant. I also am slightly concerned about finding and utilizing secondary sources that will remain focused and not let me thoughts wander too far from my analysis of primary sources, but I also know there is an abundance of work related to the study of gods and other immortals–especially in the context of gender and sexuality.

Outside of Thesis, I play on two club sports teams and have two on-campus jobs. Even during this first week of class, it is clear that I will have to stay on top of managing my time and ensuring that I block out enough time to just sit down and work on researching and writing. I am sure that this will become easier as the semester continues as I adjust to being back on campus and in an academic mindset.

I am excited to hear what everyone else is working on and to go through this process together! See you all in class.

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