Claire’s categorized bibliography

Methodology (apart from the methodology built in to other sources) Honig, Bonnie. A Feminist Theory of Refusal. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2021. Feminist methodology reading of Dionysiac text, applicable to Dionysiac hymns and more broadly as a way of feminist rereading  Johnston, Sarah Iles. The Story of Myth. Harvard University Press, 2018. Creation …

Claire’s thesis portrait

My thesis has been generally in flux through the semester, but I am finally starting to settle on a central question/argument and method of supporting it. My work will be centered on the Orphic Hymns, and specifically how they invoke all-powerful, immaterial deities by constructing them in material bodies. How does corporeal metaphor communicate divinity? …

Claire’s research questions

My thesis topic is somewhat in flux since my last post about it (link here) but the main theme I’d like to investigate is how the divine are imagined as inhabiting bodies in Orphic literature. I’m interested in how the divine are described as embodied (symbolically or literally) and specifically how those bodies are gendered. …

Claire’s thesis idea: gender fluidity in Orphic literature

I spent the summer working on a research fellowship that will be the basis for my senior thesis. The project was a study of the language used to describe gender in the Orphic Hymns, and specifically of gender fluidity. I was interested in the ways that the gods are described as transcending a seeming human …
