George’s Categorised Bibliography

So for my categorized bibliography there were three major categories that I think things fit into: Texts on homosexuality in the period the Priapea come from. Texts on homosexual themes in/surrounding the Priapea. Texts on the Priapea which do not necessarily talk about homosexuality. Texts on homosexuality and related subject areas in the period the …

George’s Thesis Portrait

In my initial Research Questions post (found here: it is clear that I wanted to focus more on the general Roman ideas about passivity in homosexual sexual relationships. The questions I asked were based around researching homosexual sexual relationships in ancient Rome, and then applying it to the Carmina Priapea. However, having done the …

George’s Research Questions

As can be read in my initial thesis idea (, my plan is to talk about the negative attitude held by Ancient Romans towards being the passive partner in homosexual sexual relations. I plan to discuss the reasons behind this negative attitude, and, more importantly, the evidence of it in the Carmina Priapea, and what …

George’s Thesis Idea: The Carmina Priapea and Classical Roman Ideas on Passivity in Homosexual Sexual Relationships

A couple of years ago I did a class called ‘Gender and Sexuality in Islam’. One of the topics I found most interesting in this class was the idea that in homosexual sexual relationships, it is sometimes only the passive partner who receives public shame and who is emasculated. When I discovered the Carmina Priapea, …
