Liam’s Updated Thesis Portrait

In my preliminary ideas thesis post, I had very large aspirations of covering a wide range of material from the Bronze Age to modernity, wherein I had hoped to trace the myth of Medea from its potential earliest origins, and consider how multiple cultures including 5th century Athenians, Republican Romans, Imperial Romans, early Americans, and …

Liam’s Categorized Bibliography

Hi all, I’m posting this categorized bibliography here per Professor Farmer’s instructions in case it is helpful for others to see or if someone wants to use it for a Deep Dive assignment. I’ve added headers with filters such as Last Name, Year Published, Source Type, and more thematic categories here that can be filtered …

Liam Questions Please

For my thesis topic I plan to be looking at themes of foreignness and cosmopolitanism in different versions/iterations of the story of Medea. I hope to begin in the Bronze Age and look at how the mythology around Jason and the Argonauts can help us better understand ideas of difference for the Aegean peoples. The …

Liam’s Thesis Idea: Conceptions of Foreignness and Cultural Exchange in Mythology

My primary interest for my thesis is broadly ideas of cultural exchange through movement and storytelling. I want to explore instances where art and mythology serve as a medium for this exchange, and relate it to the narratives we tell about ourselves today. Part of my interest in this topic comes from looking at the …
