Laken’s Thesis Portrait

At this point in my research for my thesis, I’m planning to center my work around this argument: The feminized grieving and mourning rituals seen in Aeschylus’ Persians by non-Greek men (i.e., Xerxes and the elderly chorus) represent 5th century Athenian collective memory of the Persians/the Persian Wars and serve as a means of othering the Persian …

Liam Questions Please

For my thesis topic I plan to be looking at themes of foreignness and cosmopolitanism in different versions/iterations of the story of Medea. I hope to begin in the Bronze Age and look at how the mythology around Jason and the Argonauts can help us better understand ideas of difference for the Aegean peoples. The …

Eden PK Questions Please

For my topic I would like to examine the cross-section between the modern concept of vagina dentata and the female monsters of Ancient Greek mythology. If I were to follow this topic, the text[s] I would want to focus on would probably be The Odyssey and/or the Theogony, as I could discuss the dog heads …

Elise’s Research Questions

I plan to focus on the 16th century Macaronic Latin of Teofilo Folengo from a linguistical + historical lens. In order to make this project achievable, after analyzing the text as a whole, I will select a small excerpt to focus on (especially since one of the primary academics focused on Folengo wrote his entire …

Layla’s Questions Please

My project explores the personification of the uterus on ancient magical womb amulets and adjacent medical and magical sources from the Greco-Roman and Egyptian traditions. I attempt to define that personification by delineating what the womb can do, its agency, and what it can affect within the medical and magical texts and on the amulets …

Chayet Questions Please

For my thesis, I plan on exploring the relationship between the gods and mortal Greeks through the portrayal of the gods (specifically Athena and Aphrodite) and their influence on ancient societal gender norms. To do this, I will analyze the portrayal of the goddesses in the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite in addition to other texts …

Alexander’s Research Questions

My thesis will explore the perceptions of dogs and dog imagery in Ancient Greece through Homer, Greek Lyric Poetry, and Xenophon’s Cynegeticus, with occasional comparisons with other works, such as the Theogony. In particular, I am interested in the relationship between dogs, man, gods, and monsters, and have developed the following research questions: Where do …

Marion’s Research Questions

I am currently focusing on narrowing and developing my thesis ideas (link) related to St. Patrick’s Confessio and the later Lives/hagiographies about St. Patrick by Muirchu and Tirechan. I am particularly interested in looking at Christian conversion, Patrick’s portrayal of himself, and his portrayal in later writings. I’d like to use the similarities and contrasts …
