Claire’s research questions

My thesis topic is somewhat in flux since my last post about it (link here) but the main theme I’d like to investigate is how the divine are imagined as inhabiting bodies in Orphic literature. I’m interested in how the divine are described as embodied (symbolically or literally) and specifically how those bodies are gendered. …

Rose’s Research Questions

In my original Thesis Idea post I knew I wanted to do something with mythology but wasn’t yet sure what, so I didn’t really have an actual topic at that point. Now I’m thinking about doing something with modern receptions of myths, possibly looking at the modern musical Hadestown and how it handles the myths …

Laken’s Research Questions

My original thesis post is linked here, but I am planning to analyze how gendered depictions of grief via Xerxes in Aeschylus’ Persians fit into the political agenda of the tragedy as a means to “other” the Persian characters in front of an Athenian audience post-Persian War. I aim to discuss this in conversation with other tragedies and …

George’s Research Questions

As can be read in my initial thesis idea (, my plan is to talk about the negative attitude held by Ancient Romans towards being the passive partner in homosexual sexual relations. I plan to discuss the reasons behind this negative attitude, and, more importantly, the evidence of it in the Carmina Priapea, and what …

Celine’s Research Questions

My preliminary thesis proposal here described my plans to examine the notions and practices of motherhood in Euripides’ Elektra to produce a recuperative reading of Elektra and Clytemnestra within the text. In doing so, I’ll put the tragedy in conversation with primarily Third-World/intersectional and both second/third-wave feminists. Following this thesis idea, I have come up …

Eden’s Thesis Idea: The Fluid Gender and Sexuality of the Gods

I haven’t landed on something specific yet, but I have in the past thought about (and enjoyed studying) the way gender and sexuality are expressed by the Ancient Greek gods, and the complexities that come along with it. I’ve really enjoyed the Gender Studies courses I’ve taken so far, and even once did a project …

Hannah’s Thesis: The Gods and their impact on human conduct?

Although I have a general idea of what I would like to focus my thesis on, I definitely am still unsure about the literature and authors I would like to highlight. In addition to Classics, I am concentrating in Gender and Sexuality Studies and will be using this specialization to narrow down my focus. I …

Hannah’s Thesis Idea: Engaging with Landscape in (some work)

Until this week, I was planning to double major in Linguistics and classical languages. I spent last semester in that department’s equivalent of this class researching a topic that would have allowed me to combine theses: the role of particles in structuring discourse. Greek is famous for its heavy use of particles (and they’ve always …

Elise De Biasio Thesis Idea: Exploration of a Macaronic Zooepic

I am interested in focusing on the theme of zooepics, specifically focusing on La moschea: the 1615 Macaronic work of Teofilo Folengo (known under the pen names Merlino Coccajo and Merlinus Cocaius). With its promising 1 star rating on Goodreads, it is clear that this piece is not popular (the low number of Google search …

Celine’s Thesis Idea: Motherhood and Political Agency in Euripides’ Elektra

The extant corpus of Greek tragedies is littered with depictions of the tragic mother; traditional readings of these plays have naturally focused on the circumstances surrounding the women and their failure to react appropriately. However, the very nature of this mode of reading reveals a pertinent characteristic of tragedy itself: the literary critic’s condemnation of …
